Celine Berthier
, PhD

With a background in molecular biology/biochemistry, Dr. Berthier has been developing systems biology skills in MiKTMC team for 18 years. The combination of those skills has allowed her to study the molecular mechanisms of inflammatory glomerular diseases with a focus on diabetic nephropathy (DN) first, then IgA nephropathy (IgAN), and lupus nephritis (LN). Using comprehensive human renal gene expression datasets, one of her research goals is to develop innovative approaches that will provide new perspectives on the pathogenesis of those diseases. This is critical for the development of improved disease classification, outcome prediction and for defining new therapeutic targets toward precision medicine. Celine has been also an active member of The George M. O'Brien Michigan Kidney Translational Core Center. She collaborates nationally and internationally with scientists of various backgrounds within a multidisciplinary environment (e.g. lupus is a complex multi-organ disease, with inflammatory cells and processes involved in skin-kidney communication).